Frumoasa din pădurea adormită
Marius Țeicu

- Romanian Opera Craiova Premiere
- 26 iunie 2001
- Time Length
- aprox. 1h, 40’– o pauză
- Extra info
- Spectacol în limba română
Musical (operetta) by Marius Țeicu.
Libretto by Sylva Kerim based on a story by Charles Perrault.
Spectacol pentru copii al Operei Române Craiova pe scena Cercului Militar
Marți, 9 aprilie 2024, ora 10.30
Informații și rezervări la agenția Operei Române Craiova de la Sala Polivalentă,
Bulevardul Ilie Balaci nr. 6, tel. 0351.442.471,
Împăratul – Laurențiu Nicu
Barza Bertha – Laura Dumitrescu
Broasca Bibi – Anca Țecu
Împărăteasa Zimby – Andreea Segărceanu
Prințesa – Amina Almahadin
Ursitoare – Alina Onofrei, Alexandra Iordache, Ruxandra Andruță, Raluca Mocanu
Zâna copilăriei – Edith Mag
Zâna cea rea – Gabriel Marciu
Doica – Răzvan Zamfir / Sorin Voica
Bufonul – Daniel Cornescu
Majordomul – Răzvan Segărceanu
Prințul – Alexandru Chera
Însoțitoare – Alina Onofrei, Alexandra Iordache
Baletul Operei Române Craiova
Regie artistică: Migry Avram Nicolau
Asistent regie artistică: Arabela Tănase
Scenografie: Răsvan Drăgănescu
Coregrafie: Ioan Kelemen
Asistent coregrafie: Erna Marin
Once upon a time, a long time ago, a King and a Queen were sad, because they had no children.
One day, Stork Bertha appears at the palace, bringing them a baby, a beautiful daughter.
Aware of the joy that Stork Bertha has brought to the King and the Queen, Frog Bibi, a good friend of the stork, also arrives at the palace.
Overwhelmed with joy, the King organizes a huge party for the Princess’s baptism, where he invites the fairies who give qualities, virtues, beauty and all that can be given in this world.
The Wicked Fairy was not included on the guest list, and she appears furious and willing to take revenge. She wishes that the girl should get pricked by a spindle and die on her 16th anniversary.
Like in all fairy tales, good defeats evil and the childhood fairy (The Good Fairy) announces that she can change evil fate, so that the king’s daughter should not die.
After many adventures, the handsome Prince comes and breaks the spell, bringing the Princess back to life. As usual, everything ends with a beautiful weddings, as one can only find in fairy tales.
Following the story, our imagination works, carries us to remote times, introducing us to a world of happenings that can only be seen in dreams, where the wicked people are always punished, and the good are always rewarded.
The story is told in a modern style, full of morals and spirit, with an educational character, irrespective of the age.
* Programme book from the show of April 30, 2006