The season

El Amor

  • Romanian Opera Craiova Premiere
  • 26 aprilie 2009
  • Time Length
  • aprox. 1h, 20’

A show designed by director and choreographer Francisc Valkay.

Spectacol de dans susținut de Opera Română Craiova pe scena Teatrului de Vară, în cadrul Festivalului Internațional Elena Teodorini, ediția a XVII-a



Soliști balet: Olguța Ilie, Alina Onofrei, Erna Marin

În rol solistic: Alexandru Chera, Pavel Rotari

Actori: Laurențiu Nicu, Anca Țecu

Ansamblul de balet al Operei Române Craiova


Regia artistică și coregrafia: Francisc Valkay

Asistent coregrafie: Erna Marin

Scenografia: Răsvan Drăgănescu                     

Regia tehnică: Iulian Tudosie    

Sonorizare: Sorin Tican, Bogdan Martin

Maestru de lumini: Roberto Bujor

Machiaj/coafură: Ioana Boicea, Andra Stanciu

“Believing in these two words, EL AMOR, may be a chimera.

Believing that they may speak to you, viewer, with this definition,

may be the expression of the creator’s subjective fantasy.

But what can be more challenging and inciting than believing that

EL AMOR actually exists, that breath, that love of any kind is the existence

of the moments we live.

Can I invite you to dance with me?

Can I invite you to hold you in my arms backed by the unique music of a tango?

And, thus, live in a single soul, that is frequently torn between ecstasy and sadness, live like this, with our foreheads together, in the charming noise of our breath.

Can I invite you to dance with me?

These are the thoughts of the dancers involved in this wordless dialogue, the thoughts of us, the ones who have created this representation of love and failure, of loss and redemption…

Come believe with us.

Come believe you can love with us.

Come breathe the miracle of this music.

Come be a single soul in two bodies and only then will you understand why EL AMOR…”


*Francisc Valkay – choreographer